
about us

Oracle International is a technology company accelerating the digitalisation of business processes. Our technology and business services support our partners' growth and assist their digital upgrade.

Digitalisation is our guiding principle; we strive to help our partners' see business operations and data in new ways.

Our Core Values

Our Clients
Our clients' are our partners - we believe we will be successful if our partners' are successful. Our mission is to help our partners' make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements to their business processes through the integration of technology.

Exceptional Service
We are dedicated to removing the burden of managing your technology needs, so you to focus on the most important thing - growing your business.

Our People
Our people are our strength— a vital ingredient to everything we achieve. We expect each of us— no matter what our level, role or function— to play an active role.

Giving Back
Giving back to the community is one of our core values. We partner with multiple NGO's and community organisations to support community development initiatives across the country. (Read here to find out more)

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Corporate Citizenship

We have always made it a priority to give back to our community.

Good corporate citizenship means being intentional and thoughtful about the value we generate as a company, not only for our clients but also for our community, our planet, and future generations. It means applying the same level of commitment, rigour, and sincerity to changing lives as we do to building cutting-edge technology for our partners.

Oracle International partners with nonprofit organizations and community organisers to support their initiatives through cash grants, sponsorships, and workplace giving.

Management Team

Meet The Management Team

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